Saturday, February 05, 2005

I finally gave Safari a shot

I've known about Safari for quite awhile now, but never gave it a try. In the course of looking for books about P3P, I ran across an O'Reilly book that looked quite good, so I decided to give their 14-day trial a shot. The first thing I found out, unfortunately, was that the book I was interested in was NOT available!

While adding books to my virtual bookshelf, I started getting annoyed because it took over three clicks/separate Web pages to just add one book! The next thing I noticed was that once I added a book, it stayed on my bookshelf for one month, and then was removed. This was annoying because I tend to go through books more often than that, and would want to exchange books frequently. I can understand why they do it, though. It's probably so that they can calculate payments to authors more easily.

Other than those two gripes, my experience was mostly positive. Pages from the books were presented in text (not PDFs), so they were easier to read. Chapters were split into pages that were easy to consume. You could add virtual bookmarks, and so on.

Overall, it seems like a useful service, but I probably will not continue using it past the two-week trial. The $19/month price is just too much! If it were only $5/month, I'd do it in a heartbeat.


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